
Mobile fans, worry about the hazards of the mouse hand

Speaking of the "mouse hand", we may not be strangeness, but referred to the "cell phone elbow", I am afraid that few people know. According to the June 2, CNN reports, the old mobile phone call would form a "cell phone elbow", even worse, but also may damage the nerve.

Donna Malloy recently suffering from a "cell phone elbow, hand her illness with her sewing difficult. American Society of Plastic Surgeons spokesman plastic surgeon Leone. Sen Boshi expressed, often a cell phone makes the elbow excessively bend your elbows are bent, the more severe ulnar nerve was stretched more closely, the blood supply of the elbow will be less. "Is used to stretch the nerve, if the strained state for one hour, not only to the elbow and wrist will be sore, but also because of poor blood circulation and damage to the nervous." Benson said.

How many deadly computer bone disease do you have"?

    Not only the man who often use the phone talking on the phone will have the "cell phone elbow, like hand shore up the table, drivers, and commonly used keyboard and like curled up arms to sleep, but also prone to" mobile phone elbow ". Therefore, experts advise, If you call the little finger and ring finger stiffness or tingling, there may be suffering from a "cell phone elbow" At this time, you have to stop and relax hand.

    Cleveland Hospital, hand and upper extremity medical director of the Center, Peter J. Evans said the doctor, treatment and prevention of "cell phone elbow" is actually very simple. First, call the best control within one hour. Second, try not to elbow bend over 90 degrees, activities, use his mobile phone can use the headphones. Third, according to the height of the sitting height adjustment table and keyboard in order to let the elbow bend of less than 90 degrees is appropriate. Fourth, looked on the arm during the lunch break, do not sleep.

HE mouse especially the Ergonomic Vertical mouse the Europe and the United States who are praised, "It (HEmouse) is not only good for my working health, but a personalized mouse for me. "(HEmouse not only beneficial to health, but also a Models individuality mouse). HE believes that because of personality and wonderful life!


I have a logo design

    I have been in design department for several days,the daily work tedious, but without losing the taste.

    Today's work is a logo design. The image of a company logo design. Each designer has its own design habits, my habits are simple and clear at a glance. That means comfortable subtle savor. Generally do the design I will be careful consideration, to savor the design information, the only way to properly grasp the core.

    In my opinion a good designer will inevitably first done sufficient preparations,and then to start designing.Simply said, it is to do in preparation for battle, which is based products, an ergonomic mouse ergonomics company, they focus on brand image, and focus on the high quality,the products are designed to focus on human health. Played slogan is: to lead a "healthy" life. Ingenuity is the product to change the concept of consumer health products.

    For these data, I had to make a good logo, I designed the LOGO are also numerous, but their demand for LOGO, the first time, after all, requires high, so I have to understand, I have to find some of the information I do not know. The first is ergonomic, followed by their flagship product, ergonomic mouse. I am going to these two core to design the logo. Ergonomic has been widely used in abroad, but not at home a wide range, almost pitiful, the general good ergonomic products sold abroad basically, basically domestic market development, they developed paragraph ergonomic mouse is mainly for the group who face the computer and use the computer mouse every day.
    We deeply feel, use the mouse for a long time wrist, arm, each joint, especially pain, but most of us are ignore this phenomenon.And the company engaged in resolving this contradiction, so that more people will understand the health products, and to enjoy the benefits, so I found that if the logo must to do, I must try my best to do the job well so that I could afford my work ethic.

    Find multi-turn data, I identify the central idea of the logo is "ergonomic". To the health of more people, in order to awaken more people to pay attention to this knowledge, so I use of "human engineering" HE first letter, to do this logo, of course not so simple, you must do to deformation. Made a slightly deformed, I found a great impact, so I was the bold use of monochromatic black as the theme color of the logo. Such a glance to know that this is an ergonomic products company. Conducive to the spread of ergonomic health concepts. On a brand new logo is complete.

    As I expected I would like to submit up logo very popular with your boss like, and direct statement to say that this is what I want, and we shall fight HE brand to promote. To the time after the design of their company's corporate vi directly by me.

    Surprise ! This is a big one , this is not just a vi design. The successful cooperation, the future will inevitably have more design need to work together. Who does not like win-win situation. From this incident, I understand the details is the devil "to do every detail from the success will increasingly cut-off. I also deeply the blessings of this year's flagship product, ergonomic mouse can be sold.




Tonight, HE run a million meters for you

It’s rain heavily outside, stay beside the window of HE, looking the ergonomic mouse in the window which can not help me thinking of the something...
She was silently counting, rushed to the end of the runway. She up the neck restraint drink some water. There are five laps, she told herself. Eyes firm, continue to run. She was the only one on the playground, the moon has long been hanging in the trees, watching the stubborn child, running around a circle.
Tonight, she wanted him to run a million meters.
The roommate was still asleep when she got up. Softly, closing the door to greet the best every day early in the morning. This time of day, the entire campus seems to belong to her alone.
"Hi!" Some people call her.
She looks back.
The big boys of the same age, also wearing a running shirt, running shoes, smiling at her. The sun outlines the contours of his face, beautiful eyelashes. At that moment she knew that he and his life will be associated.
"Hi!" She smiled and answered.
"I'm Simon."
"I am, Lily."
Simon and Lily running, sharing each other's routes.
The principal's office followed by a pear flower. "
"Then we go and see."
Three canteens canteen back door, only super Panmao fat than Garfield! "
"Ha, that we tease mess with it!"
It does not rain the day, and they run together. Not around, they will run at the same time on the same road line. When it rains in the window, they miss each other with a massage.
To say what in the event? Leaves in the growth of brush, as they look at each other's eyes, natural and beautiful.
Nor what happens. They are just running together.
Last running with in the winter. That was the day before the winter break, and ran with her step, draw a white line in the air in the cold.
Winter, I went to Munich, engaged in human ergonomic products study with my uncle, maybe later I can send you an ergonomic mouse, so you will think of when you access the Internet everyday.
"Oh," she did not look back.
"Sorry to tell you."
"Why are you tell to me that?" Her sudden fit of anger like to ask.
What are they? Running partner. No commitment, there is no agreement, there is no any other relationship.
She was still angry.
The next day, and God seems to have a tacit understanding, a snow-covered road. They both busy on their examination And then lost each other's messages.
Blink of an eye is on winter break. Re-opening, she is also an avenue running. The principal's office behind the pear blossom. Three canteens canteen back door super Panmao birth to a litter of kittens.
    These messages, how much she wanted to tell him can be impossible to open, only to take a picture, send in their own microblogging. Her classmates laugh at her literature and art, she did not excuse.
    Until one day, have a link to her mailbox, she gently place open.
    "Lily, tonight, you run a million meters." This is a video that he sent.
    Every morning he still get up early, running along the center of Munich's English Garden. Every day he took some video, and her share of the world he saw. The video blurred, the picture jumps endless, he must be holding the cell phone while running side to beat.
    She was silently counting, rushed to the end of the runway. There is three times.
    She knew, with her running.9000 km, and that tonight she wanted to run for his ten thousand meters.
Only for one day earlier, went to the front of your eyes.
    Yes, you forget you have ever said, did not send me the  ergonomic mouse, and I look at the ergonomic mouse and thinking of you..


Then who? Grateful for having you

    Joined HE team for some time, perhaps here passenger carrying everyone's dream, I can really feel here, unity, passion and love. Everyone has it’s unique charm.
Let me tell to you the great people in my team.
   John is a man who able to endure hardship rich sense of humor, strong operational capacity, who truly love love women, maybe that is the nature of himself, I remember once I told him to help me move a table to another place, and then he tell to me that he must ask another colleagut to help together, then I am surprised looking at him: "can I not?" Unexpectedly, he said: "Well, you are a girl (usually his total not think of me as a girl) "Then he lift up the table to complete this great task.I look at this person, his classic quotes: "I would rather that he is the cow dung, because the flowers are inserted in cow dung."
    Xiang gave me the biggest feeling is especially hard working,has the colour of legendary in the middle of our team, he told us the experience that he has passed, and I feel that he is not easy in his life. Our team member except him to come out from the ivory tower, after he has graduated from the high school, he was very hard in his time,into the factory as the general workers, learned computer technology, repair to others engaged in the network, but also into the MLM organizations, to today's SEO expert, every step forward to pay more sweat than others, I believe that his future income will not be less than the others.  Because he is a rivet boy, sum up experience, the failure to find in the hustle of their dreams.
    East is a gentle writer, write articles always make other people refreshing, feeling very delicate, each story seemed to be able to see the point of his life on the inside, but it seems this is not true, the total in pocketed between their natural tears of female colleagues, team members are diminutive writer East; remember a customer a surprise visit to our company said some of the copy depends on our cooperation ergonomicmouse, but it happens to be responsible for this one of my colleagues just a business trip, has been called to get in touch. When East told me not worry, you also have to participate in this project, you start with a serious think about the content then to write down the points, I write out the copy; then our division of labor, one person communicate with the client, the other continuc to contact with the other colleague.Sure enough, an hour later,East perfect presente the paper and laid the foundation for our successfully won the customer. He is such a person, show resourcefulness in an emergency,writhe like an angel.
Sily is a strong responsibility to the family, a girl has a clear view of her career, love and full of fantasy girl, I think whoever could able to marry her would be a blessing in the future, as I was a girl too, or will become one of her suitors. Perhaps it is because the fate between the two of us, when I joined HE in particular, we become the best friends.
Positive sense of cooperation is always a person alone, it is very terrible thing. A football team, if only the individual spirit, will never be possible without victory.
Then who? Thank you, whether at work or in life to give me unlimited help, this is a passion and dream team, we are committed to building the world's best ergonomic mouse, so that all people can stay away from the mouse hand, this is the mission of the HE team, the purpose of the invention of a truly ergonomic vertical mouse.


The most frustrating design of the eight mouse

When playing games, undoubtedly the gaming mouse is important, just like a bridge to connect players with virtual gaming world. As the growing gaming mouse, mouse manufacturers found that the price war cannot get more money and brand awareness. So they have to play "gaming mouse" card, make us know their determination on gaming mouse brand management. However, they cannot understand game hardware.

Most players will not use the common mouse and keyboard, because these products are not personalized. And performances of mouse or keyboard are also not as good as they show. Now, let me introduce what’s the basic element for a good gaming mouse.

1. Ergonomic or symmetrical (stress one point: the left-right symmetry will also have a corresponding, in order to distinguish.)
2.100/50 for fine-tuning of the units of DPI, the X-axis and Y-axis direction can be set individually.
3. The precise optical / laser positioning and coarse surface and the filament surface is compatible with low hover height.

There are several basic requirements, but many manufacturers cannot make it players. I figured, there are eight frustrating gaming mouse designs, now let me show you.

Strange mouse engine
In the evolution of the mechanical mouse, optical mouse, the mouse out of bounds, especially gaming mouse out of bounds capability is especially important players, it seems that every game the mouse will need to climb the mountains, but also fur is carpet, but also the sheetsgrassland, we are playing the "battlefield", not mean that we in the field.Game mouse pad to go in the mouse (casually one Firepad what cheap and smooth, Steelpad cloth pads are not expensive), so some thought into how to do well in the coarse surface and the filament surface, and give more consideration to aluminum mat and glass mat, or even their own launch pads, more practical than to consider the surface of the fur and other non-mainstream.

Weight has always been the selling point of the domestic gaming mouse, but we rarely see Microsoft, Razer, Race Core and other foreign manufacturers to provide the weight of the mouse. The reason for this custom weight and no significant improvements in the grip of the mouse.
1) the center of gravity of the mouse did not metastasize. Due to the weight is for the specific part of the mouse(such as the middle of the abdomen) can be heavier, and it will become a "top-heavy" or "feet start light ",the improve method should be a replacement shell as a whole such as the metal material to add weight or uniform shell thickening or cut.
2) Due to the weight exist,it’s very light of the mouse body, which leads to less material or shell thine.The result is impact the feeling when we touch.

Many side-buttons
I believe we all know which mouse I want to say. However, its subsequent evolution version has been replaced with six keys, of course it’s too much, especially about the side buttons. First, the thumb and ring finger long-term grip the mouse central part of the normal two buttons, the normal two buttons are assigned by the thumb and first joint of the thumb, if in accordance with the other parts of buttons, the thumb must leave the mouse for a short time, during significantly weaken the control of the mouse, or directly stop the mouse.And for too many buttons, it will be related to the misuse, so the side buttons should not be more than two. Or we can assigned to the index finger to press the needing key (such as the surface of the design of the G300 mouse), the index finger is not long-term puts pressure on the surface of the mouse,it’s easier for us to use the mouse.

Awesome appearance
The gaming mouse is an peripheral products of the game whic advocate personalized,it’s not wrong to pay tribute to a masterpiece, but please do not even the instructions are the same as the old one.

The frustrating gaming mouse NO. 4
Ask for highest DPI
Since the mouse into the HD era, DPI increased year by year,Start from the beginning, 400/800/1600 three-position, mouse ascribed to 2000,3200 and other new optical engine as the original photoelectric products, people throughout the product line is no more than [the original 1000CPI, according to the users reflect the correction, along with references (see)] 1600DPI, but the last 3200DPI the product (frame interpolation generally evident).Unrealistically high return rates are the hardest hit, especially those reported to be able to support the 1000Hz rate of return, in fact, a lot of wired mouse can only be maintained to 500Hz stable, but 1000Hz is basically do not fly. In fact, the test is also true.

The frustrating gaming mouse NO.3
LED lights makes discomfort
It’s not new for the gaming mouse add the light is, but these lights are generally capable of being closed off, if we download at the midnight , it’s difficult to accept if the light frequent respiratory flashing. In addition, the mouse LED light brightness is very high

Low power for wireless mouse
Some friends and I reflected a wireless gaming mouse average one week with two batteries, we become poor as buy the battery. It must be acknowledged that a higher rate of return of the gaming mouse, the power consumption is a problem, if you are using a dual-mode or supplied to charge and discharge the battery, you can solve this tragedy.
The frustrating gaming mouse NO.1
Ignoring the feeling of shape
Part of the gaming mouse in all respects (appearance) are quite good, but very bad in the actual gripping effect. Mouse back an angular direct to withstand the phalanx of the middle finger of the Oriental small palm is difficult to control, large hands, if you want to "lie" the mouse, will be withstood.

Edit Summary:
The above frustrating gaming mouse designs are through simple trial or demonstration can be properly solved before mass production. Details determine success or failure. A gaming mouse products, First,the shape is the player willing to pay attention on the product; Secondly, the feel of the product, because the mouse is direct contact with the peripheral, so the feeling of gaming mouse is essential;we could just combin the three points together as to make the mouse more welcome by the game lovers.


The new ergonomic design HEmouse vertical mouse

In the selection of the mouse as a mouse user, except the cost the comfortable of the mouse is the factor that the mouse user will be most concern. At present, the mouse on the market are mostly advertised ergonomic design, but what we have not realize that what’s about the ergonomic mouse,and which kind of the mouse could call the ergonomic mouse? Ergonomic design, the main consideration to the comfort of the mouse and the body running. The HE ergonomic mouse HEmouse has the unique design concept in the United States ,HE recently launched a model HEmouse, laser mouse.

HE the brand HEmouse laser mouse use a dignified and elegant packaging design, we can see through the packaging, by HE as an ergonomic product design producers, the design of the packaging are also in a unique style.
HEmouse Laser Cordless Mouse mainstream 2.4G wireless transmission technology, 1600DPI laser engine design, the ergonomic streamline design, built-in receiver to facilitate and carry and so on. The HEmouse ergonomic mouse uses a laser engine, the wireless transmission range of up to 10 meters.

HE brand HEmouse ergonomic vertical lasermouse appearance with metallic gray paint materials, form a unique style mirror frame design adds a bit of fashion sense to the mouse as a whole mouse using HE unique new generation of ergonomic design to fit hand outline, feel comfortable, and has provided a guarantee for long-term use. Side of the mouse large area of the bump plastic material, when in use for a long time, played the role of certain non-slip.

         HE brand HEmouse laser wireless mouse look
    HE brand HEmouse laser wireless mouse with one button design, with rubber wheel, wheel resistance is small, there is an arrow at the top of the mouse wheel power level indicator. Mainstream 2.4GHz wireless transmission technology, the effective operating distance up to about 10 meters.
HE brand HEmouse laser wireless mouse with laser positioning surface is compatible with the ability to adapt to a variety of environment and application of the Broadcom chip to ensure excellent quality and precise positioning capability. HE brand HEmouse laser wireless mouse resolution 3200DPI Laser Cordless Mouse HEmouse resolution of the 1600DPI. Made us surprised, HEmouse Laser Cordless Mouse is the built-in lithium-ion battery, the full power of the state, normal standby for three months!
Compatibility testing of the mouse
In order to test for mouse performance, we chose the mouse pad of a variety of materials. Repeated simulations, we used mouse operation in different material mouse pad, mouse maintained a relatively stable performance in use, there has been no delay, frame loss, cursor lag Dayton phenomenon.
Performance testing of the mouse
Mouse the higher the rate of return is the more excellent the performance of the mouse, 125Hz mouse rate of return is sufficient to use for general users, and we see the test results of Mouse Rate Checker is very stable, the average rate of return of the mouse 124, fully capable of the needs of daily life and work.


If we come into unavoidable confrontation in our lifetime

Youth, met with the seven own. A bright, a sadness, a gorgeous, an adventure, a stubborn, a soft, and finally that is growing, that is my experience in the HE,on how to market our ergonomic vertical mouse.
(1)About. Oneself-
    Some people say, show their emotions in front of the crowd is naive, but I do not know how to hide your own mind, who once had I always like to say I know that my heart sick, I do not know that the I want anything else? Now, now, I always prefer one alone, do not want to step one. I'm working towards a mature way, should I own rounded, then roll further?
I found a person to give up the burden of leaving a good impression to others, the original was so at ease. A person does not have to delightful involvement can be like me at the moment so, stop. But this is not to be pursued, as our HE ergonomic vertical mouse, we developed it in order to get user acceptance, so our side involved with, while joy with.
(2) on the youth
    My hand symbol of life, love, career lines suddenly become staggered complex, time will gently push away, but I should still be that little girl dreaming all day, perhaps a sunny day, can be friends and lie Envisioning the future is OK, the future can not wait desirable on the grass. I also believe that the youth can sway a beautiful dream, the future is the hot sun in front of me, as long as I fall into the forging ahead, there will be a colorful feast awaits me.
    Occasionally, I will be anxious, will hesitate, will be disturbed.
    This is a cruel era, students and some ivory tower was still in college, some of his family's support, opened the shop, there are several married women at home full-time wife. Me, and looks outstanding temperament elegant, family background is not prominent enough clever, wrist, so I go from here?
     Life was a period of time, full of anxiety, but in addition to the brave, we have no choice. As whenever our ergonomic mouse a little by the accusations of others, I am very disturbed, will always think that in the end what is the reason why people would think so, but I kept thinking for a way out will always come out, and then believe one day our ergonomic mouse will be in hot pursuit of the world.
(3) on the goodbye
    Never know, who do casual to tell you goodbye, you really do not goodbye.
    "Good-bye, regular contact, and not to forget me, long time no see, how do you do? Busy lately, I have a prior busy, you,, hurriedly ~ Renzouchaliang, not that such a process do? I had today's friends are always so busy when I really do not disturb you. I just hope to also be able to think of me in you are most helpless.
4 July
    July through the blue sky, hung a fireball like the sun, the clouds as if the sun burnt, and also disappeared without a trace.
    The weather became so hot, rent an apartment when I did not expect the top floor is so hot, and then a home desperately splashing, the decisive leakage to the landlord downstairs room, then the landlord send a punitive expedition went room to ask the Editor's Note, in order to alleviate his anger, I snatched just HE ergonomic mouse samples brought back to him, he amused him that was already small eyes smiled and said: "This What is the mouse, the first time I wind ", and then walked away smiling, holding this mouse.
    (5) about love
       Always thought the most beautiful things will always be in our hearts, rather than in the eyes.
      People can not be lonely and indulgence, not because the indulgence and lonely life. All these years been a believer in the patient, I'm always so superstitious that something called the feeling paranoid notions of love, I hope, lifetime quitting! I met HE, and then meet with you.


HE ergonomic vertical mouse

    HE brand in the United States, ergonomic vertical mouse manufacturers
Product description:
    HEmouse is the true sense of the United States HE design and production of ergonomic mouse. He combines the advantages of vertical mouse and grip the mouse to solve the “mouse hand” to computer users, troubled at the same time, because of its unique grip design to solve a sore arm, using the vertical mouse.
    HE the company’s slogan is “different kind of comfort, to bring you a different kind of life”. With the growing impact of IT on human life, to improve the health of people working and living, ergonomic mouse with its mission to produce a
Only the consumer satisfaction, truly healthy, in order to prove HEmouse is true ergonomic mouse. To this end, we distributed free to 1,000 nationwide countries and regions of the mouse hand in patients with vertical mouse users HEmouse mouse test track, including the well-known professor of ergonomics in the United States, California, we are pleased that 99% mouse hand patients with their mouse hand symptoms have been significantly improved and prolonged use of the arm does not produce pain.
    HEmouse world ergonomics broad market acceptance, a true sense of the ergonomic mouse.
Product Features:
    Prevent mouse hand: In fact, the average mouse user per day move the mouse more than 500 meters, equivalent to one year move over 100 km. Traditional mouse lying on the desktop, wrist because bending lead to deformation of the wrist, which is the reasons for the formation of the mouse hand. Therefore, we developed a vertical mouse, the mouse when in use, the wrist to protect a natural gesture to solve this problem of the mouse hand.

Grip Vertical Mouse: However, many users to our response to the vertical mouse to solve their mouse hand, but the vertical mouse rely on the arm move, and prolonged use can cause arm pain. HE mouse using the grip design, users move the mouse when, relying on the wrist move, rather than arm movement, this a good solution to the arm injury caused by the user because of the long arm mobile.

True ergonomic mouse: HE ergonomic mouse is a grip-type vertical design, to solve the problem of the mouse hand hazards. But also because the grip design, a good solution using the vertical mouse arm injury, so HE ergonomic mouse was named the first truly ergonomic mouse.

Rechargeable mouse: HEmouse 2.4GHz wireless mouse design Built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery, to solve the problem of frequent battery replacement. When the mouse is in the power shortage state, the USB data cable to connect the power to simply use HE came with the mouse for easy charging. According to our statistics, HE mouse in the fully charged state, continuous and use more than three months.

Fashion mouse. To meet young people’s pursuit of health fashion, HE 2.4GHz wireless mouse design uses DPI third gear flashes to remind users to exchange different DPI, HE icon Logo flashing, such as raised 800DPI, Logo color flashed raised 1200DPI, Logo color will flash twice when transferred to 1600DPI, Logo will blink three times to remind the user to switch to the DPI mode. HE wired mouse using 800-1600-2400-3200 fourth gear design transform DPI switch to different stalls the HE icon Logo will become four different colors to show users with different DPI. This design meets the young consumers, the white-collar office workers in the pursuit of fashion and color.

Product Specifications
HEmouse2.4GHz wired mouse parameters:
1000-1600-2400-3600DPI laser mouse
HEmouse2.4GHz the parameters of the wireless mouse:
800-100-1600DPI laser mouse
2.4GHz wireless technology
Built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery
Support for Windows, MAC, Linux, UNIX operating system

Length – 106mm
Width – 83mm
Height of -75 mm


Tips & Advice to help you make your decision on Ergonomic Mouse

Do the employees at your business spend most of the day at their computers? Have any of them complained of wrist or hand pain? If so, an ergonomic mouse may be just what you need.
Today's ergonomic mice have evolved through an extensive design phase utilizing customer feedback. As people have become more aware of repetitive motion injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the general pain and strain caused by standard computer mice, a move has taken place toward more human-friendly hardware. Ergonomic mice have many improvements over mice of years' past. Most are wireless, eliminating the tension of a cord. They are constructed of softer materials, have built in palm support, and feature adjustable sizing. They are made, as one manufacturer claims, to fit like a glove.
All of the usual hardware companies have designed an ergonomic mouse, so you can easily get one from 3M or Microsoft. However, some companies have sprung up purely around building interface hardware that is easier on the body. Humanscale and The Human Solution are just a few.
Whether your business has just one computer or you have an entire office full of them, the search for a good ergonomic mouse begins at Business.com. Click the links provided for more information.
Computer mouse ergonomics has long been an important feature to consider when shopping for the latest peripherals. Studies have shown that a good ergonomic keyboard mouse can contribute significantly to the prevention of conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome that emerge from prolonged computer usage.

    Many companies offer ergonomic mice in a variety of forms. While most look and feel like a traditional mouse, there are several ergonomic trackball mouse options that are controlled by moving a stationary ball rather than the mouse itself. In addition, you can choose between a corded mouse that connects to your desktop or laptop or an ergonomic wireless mouse, which uses RF or Bluetooth technology for full wireless control.

    With the multitude of options available, as well as the high volume of ergonomic wireless mouse distributors, it is important to consider:

·  Whether you want a traditionally shaped ergonomic mouse or an ergonomic trackball mouse;
  Whether you need an ergonomic wireless mouse or a lower-priced corded mouse;
  Where to purchase your ergonomic computer mouse.
   Research the benefits of using an ergonomic mouse and review preferred models

Using an ergonomic mouse gives you a comfortable computer experience while helping to prevent side effects caused by overuse. Several organizations study such conditions as carpal tunnel system and offer suggestions to help prevent them. In addition, these resources will give you a list of their preferred ergonomic mouse models, which is a great starting point for your research.
Try:  The Ergonomic Times website discusses ways to prevent pain and discomfort from prolonged computer use and features a list of approved ergonomic mice. HE is a professional company that offers several ergonomic keyboard mouse reviews as well as a best and worst list.