Most people away from
their target only the lack of a correct decision, but for most people, this is
the right decision is determined - say to yourself: "I decided to proceed
with the action, the pursuit of the goal."
In my opinion this world,
there is no more powerful a man than a determination to achieve the goal.
However, before everyone determined, you must first understand that:
First of all, do not put
how to achieve the dream and the dream itself be confused.
Your first decision should
be very specific and clear: what I want in the end? What kind of person do I
want to be? What to do? Owns what? Exclude what? Pursue? Gain?
You should be your
decision with very simple sentences to express: "I want to -" fill in
the spaces on the things you really want to, or want to do.
Like the founder of the
HE, John Han.When he was suffering the heavy mouse hand,he want
to design a ergonomic vertical mouse,that could make he away from the pain.And
share the ergonomic vertical mouse with all the mouse hand patients,that is his
dream,and he has not thinking of so much.
From a certain point of
view, this is a bit like a child to get the consent of the mother, with ten
dollars in a candy store, the freedom to choose any candy he thought. Please
feel free to fill in the blanks with your decision, do not give yourself any
limitations, you only need to determine is: Is this really what you want? That
is, you want to immediately always wanted, and wanted very much to things? If
the answer is yes, then please exclude all obstacles you ever set themselves,
and bold and direct, said: "Yes, I want to wholeheartedly -"
Secondly, do not guess
your dreams
When you focus on what you
really want to do, you must first all you've said or done on the side, cut off
your posterior and left you and your dreams from now on, you has been no
turning back. Like you just grabbed a shaking the vines over the valley, no
turning back now, you have to stand on the other side of the valley, will have
to face is: How do you fulfill your dreams.
When John Han decided to design the ergonomic vertical mouse,he was experiencing a lot of troubles,but he never doubt the dream,he
finally find a cooperator R-Go Tools which is a professional ergonomic company.If
you thinking of "how to fulfill your dreams, and what is your dream
confused, then you will never accomplish anything. Because the "how"
will always fight you, and hinder the "what" to complete, and finally
you will lose the courage to try, no longer willing to take the next step.
If you start to
speculation whether it will achieve your dreams, then you will lose the impetus
needed to pursue their dreams.So just start it,like John Han.