
To see the generation after 80s around the world

United States: looking ahead, the money

Ivan lived in Washington, was a 25-year-old boy, but already has a courier company and a car rental service company. His company is small, but when the boss-cum-driver, also cameo auto mechanic, extremely busy every day.

Afternoon after class, I was back to the company to do account - you believe that you are not even holding hands with his girlfriend - often two o'clock Wake-up call to go to the airport to pick people, "Ivan said," girlfriend said I was in your life, I do not have a lofty ideal, so your life is because I like to spend money, money is a good thing to give us kind of a sense of independence, is not it? "

Ivan frankly, they just walked into the society, "I did not go empty perplexed", "A lot of people have two or three jobs, the only way to age gently on drive fancy cars, live in the ward, and travel to the Caribbean island, lazy seems simply do not exist in their genes.
United States, "80" sketch:

USA "80" sketch:

Upbringing of young Americans took to the community did not seem to be so many "labor pains", no special care in the community. Like American mother child-rearing habits: to eat, the clothes he wears, fall get up, all of course, no fuss.

UK: suspended life

Chris and Di poem originally planned to put forward a traditional church wedding: wedding carriage, wedding, honeymoon, but the financial crisis has made everything became a dream. In August last year, Chris and Di poem a bite to finally do the happy event. Di poem online with £ 52 Amoy to the wedding, £ 19 Midao the wedding ring, the boss free loan company premises Chris weddings, guests bring their own drinks meals, honeymoon but moonlight walk by the sea. Buy a house, have children after marriage this the logical thing, the two young people to think about.
Due to the downturn in the economic environment, many young people in Britain to life "called timeout, cancel such as change jobs, get married, buy a house, have children and other major life plan. School just learn in the future will be able to find a good job, to be as successful as depicted in the Hollywood movie, but only out of school, they can only become a superior obedience from the small staff at media but hype star and 'rich second generation' extravagant Health, then, this is tantamount to our rub salt into the wounds ... "Chris said.

British "80" sketch:

In the United Kingdom, 80 were called iPod generation: i means insecure (unsafe); the P means Pressurised (too much pressure); overweight o means over-taxed (tax); d means that the debt-ridden (liabilities numerous).

Egypt: up to immigrants

Egypt, the country's economic development speed is limited, it is difficult to provide for all graduates can play a major jobs, about 1/3 of the people and therefore desire to emigrate abroad, the first direction is to the Arab oil countries, "there is plenty of work opportunities need to the immigrants bear; belong to one ethnic Egyptians there is no language and cultural barriers. positions after graduation did not get the students had no choice but to enter the long wait; insufficient in order to compensate for their ability and experience, many graduate students turn to continue pay tuition for vocational training courses in order to gain some advantage in the competition; Some graduates have to accept low temporary work, or start a small business. "last year graduate from the Egyptian famous universities text Azhar University, A Bo Dula introduced.

Egypt "80" sketch:

Most of the graduates can only rely on their own battles to find a suitable job. Egypt 20-25 age group the unemployment rate has reached 40%.

Kenya:the man come out from the village

"They always say that the child is sick, there was no money to eat, and all sorts of excuses every month, I can not borrow it? How their relatives can not help it?" 27-year-old Aoqiulasi graduated from the best University; work with a good salary, but life is very frugal. "In Africa, many children in the countryside into the city and obtain a university must fund the entire family, and even entire villages if the village was to the city, but also to provide them with room and board."
Relatives opinion, Aoqiulasi in "foreign companies" to find a decent job, computer, fluent in English and French, the whole family and even the pride of the whole village, help his family is his bounden obligations.

Kenya "80" sketch:

Economic backwardness of Africa region, 80 were on the one hand for their ideal hard struggle, trying to change the quality of their own lives; the other hand, had to struggle between reality and the ideal.

India: fleas family in the city

Chuck returnees, only students who come back from the United States last year, he has changed three jobs. But in Mumbai, graduation peers - two years, much has changed 78 jobs.
India very lack of targeted training programs, students graduating from universities and colleges after the original work to do and can not do; while on the other hand, there are a large number of high-quality work can not find the right people to do. University graduates had to stem from the underlying work to learn, of course, start income; With the increasing of acquired skills, also have qualified for the more high-end work, job-hopping and justly. "Do you believe? Prices in Mumbai twice in Beijing." Chuck stunned the world, the center of Mumbai extraordinarily high prices. If you buy a distant house, may need more than two hours of work time due to the lack of infrastructure in Mumbai. If there is no family support, young people in Mumbai is very difficult to homeownership.

India "80" sketch:

In Mumbai, India, after graduating from college students, facing a busy hard, and then quit and then continue to work hard busy. India's largest human resources services company, the latest report also showed that India's labor force has a very strong liquidity.

China: dream fight and survive in the cracks

Henry has graduated from the colleague , and want to be businessman by himself, he does’t want to inherit the family business, he went to Shenzhen from Beijing to start his own life.

China is no shortage of aspiring young people, but most of them lack real-world experience, arranged by the school curriculum is also some theoretical knowledge, they don’t know how to use their theoretical knowledge into real-world experience, the majority of young people in China need to learn how to forget what they have learn in schoole, but they were all ignored this fact, began to doubt myself repeated setbacks in his dream, faith is not strong enough.

Henry stayed in Shenzhen for two years, still could not find their own entrepreneurial direction, when he want to give up and back to Beijing, by chance, he saw a company specializing in the development of ergonomic products are currently recruiting a marketing jot on ergonomic mouse. What he have not think that he could success leading a 20-person sales team, and successfully to promote the HE ergonomic mouse to the word. And finally become one of the shareholder in the company.

Chinese"80" sketch

China's rapid economic development in recent years, "80" has become the mainstream to promote economic development, most of them harbor their own ambitions, but they lost themselves in the pursuit of their dreams.

