
How to be a good brand salesman

    Unconsciously, I have been in the HE brand department for a long time. Since the brand from scratch, and now ,they could produce their own patented ergonomic mouse, and form a set of ergonomic products, I know to make the brand good and famouse is not easy and hard. In particular, it is a very difficult process for a new product concept widely recognized,. Here, I analyze my brand  sales experience for you.
I think that as a salesman, to go through four stages to become a successful sales.
The first stage is a theoretical study stage. I remember that when HE ergonomic brand has just been established, the product has just been successfully developed, I have 18 hours a day fighting in the "frontline". To the overseas potential customers e-mail, Skype calls contact the customer; the country is to do Taobao to help the SEO promotion. More appalling is that the first three months is not a performance, the uncertainty, not taste.
At this stage, I had to see a lot of sales books, and then there will be a lot of people tell me how to do business, this stage is learning the exploratory stage, I often find that I watch a lot of books, contact a lot of sales knowledge, but the performance is able to come up, something that makes me very upset stage. If you are living in the first stage, this time you do not give up.
The second stage is the stage of theory with practice. Whether domestic or foreign business, the most critical step is to establish trust. "at first, e-mail is generally several customer management, call a message will not necessarily back. But I found a good start is half the battle! I remember I had a friend, he began to look for overseas customers will only look for the U.S. market, he kept searching,and meet a lot of difficult. Franchisees make a profit! Finally he found. And then each time to find other overseas markets, he will give each potential customers screenshots with links to tell their products sold in the U.S. market is how hot. Really he won a lot of customers.
That is the first stage of tempering, I found something and someone else in the book to teach me things is not entirely practical. Because the environment is changing, I come into contact with people who are vastly different. This time from the many failures, I had to sum up a business, a theory with practice and business. This time I have started to know how to do business then. But the results will be very good.
The third stage is the formative stages of their own style. Everyone has everyone's practice with experience, the experience of others is not necessarily suitable. As I made within HE brand experience, not necessarily suitable for other brands of other companies. I remember HE brand web promotion, blog promotion, microblogging to promote B2B Forum to promote, but not all the way to promote a pole bear fruit, nor is it all of a sudden HE bring our brand onto everyone are familiar with the platform. This spirit of Q, we need to have to explore and not afraid to fail, there must be formed in the vast network of their own brand marketing style.
If the second stage, you are to explore their own business, but you also stay in business methods and models stage. The third stage after that, the sales have been very deep understanding of their potential and to play. You would use one word points to the core of the sales. You can quietly get the big single. Of course, this stage is built on a deep understanding of human nature.
The fourth stage, the stage of inaction, inaction is doing everything. This stage, you're relying on your realm to attract others and your cooperation. That this stage can be the boss, you can publish a book, can be trained people.
More than purely I brand sales experience. Still remember all their prawns have to leave their own independence

